
Strong Start Running

Efficient Strength Training for Beginner Mum Runners

  • Do you want to run but feel like your body isn’t strong enough?
  • Are you scared of injuring yourself?
  • Do you feel tired, like you are pushing your body through mud when you try to run?
  • Do you want to keep up with the kids, but feel like your body let’s you down?

What if I told you that I can help you to prepare your body for running?

Strength training is essential for building a strong foundation for runners. Not only does strength training help to prevent running related injuries, it also helps you to run faster and further.

When time is limited to spend out running, strength training is an efficient tool to help you achieve your running goals and can easily be added to the end of your run to use your time even more efficiently!
But where to start? MumLife is already exhausting, no one wants to spend more energy thinking about and researching what strength training to do! Strong Start Running eliminates this for you, allowing you more time to focus on your family and helping you to begin running with confidence!

Hi - I'm Nikki, creator of Strong Start Running specifically for mums like you.

Just like you I used to feel like my body wasn’t strong enough to handle what my mind wanted to do and I was worried about getting injured. I remember my pelvis aching and my legs feeling heavy and comparing myself to other runners, wondering why they seemed to do it so easily.

I loved being out and having those moments of freedom as I (literally) ran away from mum-life, but I was exhausted all the time trying to juggle mum-life and my running and I thought that the only way to get better at running was to go longer and faster. Carving out that time away from my family became challenging and honestly, the running that I loved became more of a chore as I battled with trying to be better at running and the guilt of spending too much time out running.

Then I discovered the benefits of strength training and learnt that I actually didn’t need to run for hours and hours in a bid to get better at my running. With targeted strength exercises, my running improved and my runs felt really good!

So I developed Start Strong Running specifically for mums like me…. and you!

Strong Start Running will help you

Improve your running

with workouts specifically geared towards strengthening your body and decreasing the risk of running injuries.

Reduce your time away from family or work

with short, efficient & flexible workouts to fit into your busy schedule.

Boost your energy levels

making it easier to keep up with the kids without feeling like your body is falling apart.

Strengthen Your Body

so that you can begin running with confidence.

Hear from some of our lovely clients

Round 2 starts 3 March 2025

OR join now to get started on your journey early!

12 Week Online Program

Strong Start Running is a customised 12 week journey where we work together to create an effective strength training program just for you, designed to ensure the time you spend on your workouts delivers the most bang for your buck and prepares your body to run with confidence.

Access our app with

  • individually listed workouts with a choice of bodyweight or equipment based workouts,
  • detailed demonstration videos, 
  • a ‘check-in’ feature to keep you and your coach informed of your progress. 

Workouts can be done at home or anywhere, saving you time and travel.


So, what will you get?


“Your coach is working with you. There is no getting lost in the crowd”
Benefit from personalized coaching and support tailored to your unique needs and goals, helping you to stay motivated and on track.

Exclusive Support Community

Connect with like-minded women in our private Facebook community group.
Find motivation, share your victories, and get the support you need on your strength and running journey

Monthly Q&A Sessions

Participate in monthly group Q&A sessions
Get valuable tips and strategies on time management and balancing fitness with a busy lifestyle, helping you stay accountable and connected with your running community.

Your Investment: Just $37 per week

Bonus! Get one week free if you pay for the 12 weeks up front ($403)

Round 2 starts 3 March 2025

OR join now to get started on your journey early!

Research indicates adding strength training to your running schedule could reduce injuries by 90% and overuse injuries by 50%. It makes sense that to prepare your body for running you will benefit from strength training.

This is for you

  • You are motivated to commit to following an online exercise program
  • You want to be around like-minded women and need a supportive starting point
  • You are motivated to improve your running
  • You are ready to commit to regular and consistent strength training
  • You are open to growing and trying a new way of doing things

This isn't for you

  • You are seeking private or 1:1 coaching
  • You are looking for a quick fix. Consistent strength training over time will yield great results.
  • You are looking for a running program. This program is focused on strength training to support your running.
  • If you are under 6 months post-partum.

Ready to make a Strong Start in Running?

Round 2 starts 3 March 2025

Payment Plan

$37 AUD per week

PAy in Full

$403 AUD

Bonus! get one week free if you pay in full

Still not sure? Check out these questions

This program is live, meaning you are receiving personalised attention. Your coach is supporting you, watching your check-ins and making adjustments to your workouts specific to your needs.

Absolutely! Workouts are short and impactful, focusing on providing consistency to build muscle and strengthen joints. They can be undertaken anywhere and won’t disrupt your running schedule.

Children make great weights! In all seriousness though, no interruptions will not impact your success. You can workout with your children, split your exercises up through your day or brainstorm with your coach about how you can make your workouts fit with your family and lifestyle. 

You will be provided with 3 strength training workouts each week. To see the full impact of the training program, it is recommended that you complete the 3 workouts weekly. Workouts are short and can be added to the end of your runs for further time-efficiency. 

No, in fact we want the opposite to be happening! This is why we cater the workouts to your needs. If you are constantly sore or not feeling an increase in your energy levels, chat to your coach and we make changes. 

Most of the exercises are bodyweight exercises. When you sign up, you will be asked what exercise equipment you have access to. Your workouts can be tailored to incorporate this equipment, or if you do not own any, your workouts will be bodyweight-based.

These sessions are recorded and provided to you to watch the replay. You are not on this journey alone, and often, other participants may have similar questions or need similar support to you. Watching the replays can be very beneficial if you are not able to attend live.

It is strongly recommended that you see a Women’s Health Physiotherapist prior to undertaking any exercise or running after you have had a baby. Guidelines for starting running vary depending on your pregnancy, birth and post-partum recovery. This program is not recommended for anyone less than 12 weeks post-partum and if under 6 months post-partum, only with clearance from your Women’s Health Physiotherapist. 

It is a 12 week initial program, with the option to move to the next level of training at the end of the 12 weeks.

This is a live program, meaning everyone is doing the 12 weeks at the same time. You will have access to the workouts on your app for the 12-week period. If you cannot complete the 12 weeks, you will need to wait until the next round to restart the program. Payment is for the 12-week period, and no refunds are available if you cancel during that period.

The program is for 12 weeks. You are required to make full payment upfront, or if choosing weekly direct debit payments, you agree to weekly installments over the 12-week training period. Direct debits cannot be canceled or paused through the training period; it is a 12-week payment agreement. You will not be able to commence workouts until full payment has been made or a direct debit has been set up. The payment agreement ceases at the end of the 12-week program.

Other ways you can Train with me

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